Schantell S. Comegys Managing Attorney

Schantell S. Comegys

 Schantell S. Comegys built her career on an impressive education foundation, including receiving her Juris Doctor from Western Michigan University-Cooley Law School, Masters Degree in Negotiations and Conflict Management from the University of Baltimore, and Bachelor of Science Degrees in Criminal Justice from Chestnut Hill College, and Pre-Law (International Studies) from Philadelphia University.

In addition to her stellar education and experience, she is also a veteran of the United States Air Force. While in the Air Force, she received her certification in personnel administration/records management. In addition to this certification, she has certifications in International and Comparative Law from Oxford University, International Law from University of Toronto, and Mediation Skills from the University of Baltimore School of Law.

She is a highly accomplished, result-oriented attorney, mediator, instructor, consultant and entrepreneur. She has experience in the public sector through her positions with the Maryland Office of Attorney General, US Department of Justice Office of the Solicitor General, US Department of Veterans Administration, US Department of Education and her affiliation with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. She also has experience in the private sector through her positions at Family and Children Services of Maryland, Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights, Tahirih Justice Center, Bill Gordon & Associates, Sullivan Cove Consultants, and Law Office of Schantell S. Comegys, PLLC.

She believes in being an active member of the community and being a drum major for justice. She gives back through providing pro bono services to local nonprofit organizations committed to helping vulnerable populations with issues such as domestic violence and immigration. She has been recognized three consecutive years for the domestic violence probono work she provides.

She is a member of the bar of the Supreme Court of the United States of America, United States Court of Appeals Federal Circuit, United States Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, United States District Court for the District of Columbia, District of Columbia Court of Appeals, United States District Court for the District Court of Maryland, and Maryland.

For Schantell S. Comegys, her passion in the legal sector runs deep.

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