Tyra AikensAssistant to the Director of Finance and Administration

Tyra Aikens

 Tyra has joined NLSP as the Assistant to the Director of Finance and Administration. Tyra joins NLSP with over 5 years of experience working alongside executives and management. She graduated from the University of Maryland Eastern Shore with a B.S. in Business Administration. While in school, Tyra joined an organization called W.O.R.T.H (Women of Respect, Tact, and Honor) that orchestrated events and activities to give back to students and the surrounding communities. She hopes her talents and experience will add value to the organization's finance and administration team.

Tyra has always been adamant about helping others and is a firm believer in the saying "Try to be a rainbow in someone else's cloud". When she is not at work, Tyra enjoys working on her fitness journey, trying new recipes, and creating lifelong memories with family and friends.

Tyra can be reached via phone at (202)269-5105 or email at TAikens@nlsp.org



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