Not sure if you are eligible? Call 202-832-NLSP during one of our intake days and one of our intake specialists will screen you for eligibility.
All cases will be screened for eligibility and conflicts prior to the provision of legal assistance. To be eligible for legal services from NLSP, clients must:
- Be a resident of the District of Columbia or have a legal problem in the District of Columbia
- Be a case matter within NLSP’s priorities
- Be financially eligible for services (please click here for additional information).
- Be a U.S. Citizen or eligible non-citizen. Exception: NLSP may assist victims of domestic violence or trafficking without regard to immigration status.
NLSP may not have sufficient resources to help all persons who meet income and case requirements.
In addition, LSC publishes charts listing income levels that are 125 % and 200% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. These charts are for reference purpose only as an aid to grant recipients in assessing the financial eligibility of an applicant whose income is greater than 125% of the applicable Federal Poverty Guidelines amount but less than 200% of the applicable Federal Poverty Guidelines amount (and who may be found to be financially eligible under duly adopted exceptions to the annual income ceiling in accordance with sections §1611.3, 1611.4 and 1611.4.). For the most current Federal Poverty Guidelines, visit
Please click here to view the full Financial Eligibility guidelines.
Please click here to view the full Financial Eligibility guidelines.